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Showing posts from April, 2022

Together is Better

Which field experience had the most significant positive impact on your growth as a technology leader? There's no doubt about it...using Twitter to create a professional/personal learning network (PLN). I connected this to CoSN Standard 7B - Use various communication tools and techniques. Twitter has become an effective communication tool for me to build relationships with experts all around the world. I have learned information about what experts in my field are implementing in their classrooms and schools. I have also been able to share what I am implementing in my classroom.  What is a PLN? Scheninger (2019) defines a PLN as a group of people who shares information and participates in conversations. He believes "these conversations focus on mutual interests and goals, with the main objective of professional growth and improvement" (p. 145). He continues by saying that PLNs allow for feedback, support, and advice which allows educators to enhance their teaching and stud...

Wacky WiFi

“Mom! Something’s wrong with the WiFi,” is a phrase that is uttered almost daily at my house. We live “in the woods” and our internet is what my youngest calls “wacky.”    via GIPHY "Wacky WiFi" is not something that you want to have to worry about in a school -- especially a school that has worked tirelessly to become one-to-one. As Frazier and Hearrington (2017) point out, the internet has become a resource that schools have become dependent upon. The internet is a valuable source that allows learning and communicating to occur in different ways. Demuyakor (2021) agrees that digital tools are essential for students especially when it comes to online learning. “The success of a school computer network is dependent on the design and durability of its infrastructure” (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017, p.121). During the 2020-2021 school year, I was one of nine teachers at my school who taught classes virtually . At the beginning of the year, each grade level was given identical...