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Showing posts from March, 2022

Granting Wishes

via GIPHY Wouldn’t it be nice if there really was a genie in a bottle or if money really did grow on trees? Think of the endless possibilities we could provide for our students, teachers, and schools. Well, since this isn’t reality, technology coordinators must be creative in coming up with ways to fund technology needs. Before purchasing anything, the technology coordinator and his or her committee must analyze the needs and wants of the teachers and/or students. The items must align with the goals of the school or district’s technology plan (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017). Once decisions have been made, the exciting time begins…purchasing. When purchasing technology, schools must purchase off of the Alabama K-12 Joint Purchasing List or from a bid list. Technology can be expensive. As Frazier and Hearrington (2017) point out, “school districts spend considerable funds developing technology infrastructure, establishing networks, and installing educational technology resources"...