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Showing posts from February, 2022

Technology Coordinator: It's Not as Easy as You Think

When someone says technology coordinator, my first thought is someone who helps teachers and students with technology needs. I honestly never thought about all of the roles a technology coordinator must fill. According to Frazier and Hearrington (2017), this person “plays a major role in the success of a school or district” (p. 14). Frazier and Hearrington (2017) state that some of the responsibilities of a technology coordinator include: Supporting and facilitating the integration of technology Providing technical support Providing professional development opportunities for teachers Modeling effective use of technology Setting goals for the school Ensuring safety measures are in place when it come to technology Not only does the technology coordinator at my school fulfill these roles, she is also in charge of running our STEAM lab. She is responsible for planning and implementing weekly lessons for every class in our building. So not only is she responsible for all things technology...