Learn I am so blessed to work in an environment where most teachers love to share and learn from one another. My grade level is very supportive and loves to collaborate about strategies that work. I have found that it is a little harder for some to open up about things that are not working. I wish it was easier for everyone to trust each other enough to open up about the challenges and struggles that they are facing. Instructional Coaches Instructional coaches are pivotal people in our schools. They have the opportunity to share strategies that work. Knight (2018) states that “instructional coaches help teachers improve student learning and well-being by improving teaching” (p.104). After talking with the reading and math coaches assigned to my school, I realized that it is harder to be a coach than I thought. Both coaches told me that teachers really don’t understand the role of the coaches and even feel threatened when they enter their classrooms. Many teachers in our building were ...
Welcome to my blog created during my graduate studies at the University of Montevallo. I am currently working on obtaining an Ed.S. in Instructional Technology and a Masters in Instructional Leadership.